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I don't still get picture of Stella and ....what is "fine something for Musa  routine" to  will find Tecna???????

1) Which Picture of stella do you need? Can you be a bit more detailed?

2) Go to the Woods near Red Fountain. On a tree to the left you will find a black Dildo that you can give to her by spying her on the backstage

3) Find Tecna where? First time you meet her is talking with Stella at Mokka's, then you will be able to call her to play some virtual games at ur apartment


Non riesco a trovarloNon riesco a trovarlo

Vai nel bosco di  Fonterossa, a sinistra vicino a un tronco troverai un Dildo da darle spiando nel Backstage

il problema non me lo dà devo ? Sto giocando da Android c'è qualche problema?

ma l'ultimo video dove si prende

Devi ricominciare il gioco e chiedere a Nova di darti la ricompensa prima di prendere gli slip di Stella

Io non riesco a sbloccare le scene delle parole and del drink come posso fare quale sole le parole correzione

In non riesco a sbloccare le scene delle parole e del drink come posso fare quale sole le parole


How can i find something for Musa routine, help me plzz

Go to the TWoods in Red Fountain, near a tree to the left you will find a black Dildo. Spy her and u will be able to give it to her

Thanks hehe

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

hi, there are news for next update?

love your game 

hope you can continue this project soon and good luck 


How do i help stella study?

You have to give her the right answers. I dont remember the correct sequence, but do this: 1) Save before helping her - 2) Give some answers - 3) If u make a mistake, ur dude will say something like "I think I said something wrong" or something like that - 4) Reload ur game until u find the correct answers!


Hey it seems you know a lot do you know how I can find the books I need for tecna's research


what am i missing

You are missing the Angry Nova Blowjob. Just restart the game and tell her to give you your reward before accepting her quest.

Why when I pass it to my cell phone it comes out as "not installed"?

I think you have to download directly the android version as Apk. Try coming on thhis site with ur smartphone and install the Apk version.

Are there any cheat codes for this version?

Deleted 3 years ago

Why should you use cheat engine on this game lol

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How to help Stella to study?

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You have to go back to Alfea during night and check the third drawer in Faragonda's office

dude I'm going everynight to Faragonda's Office and only these two options are appearing to me, I don't know whatelse to do now, could u help me?

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You have to talk with stella in Her room, She will tell you to search the answer in Faragonda's office. Go in the office during the day and inspect the office. Come back at night and u will be able to check the drawers. Check the 3rd one (or the 2nd one, I don't remember ) and that's it.

I'm very interested in this project. I cannot help in an economic way, but I would like to ask you developers if you search some people to translate the game. It comes from the Winx Club, broadcasted by Rai 2, an italian TV channel. I think you could have many supporters in Italy, so I thought it would be amazing to translate this game for you, if you don't have time for that :D Let me know what do you think about it

Can you send your gallery screenshots

Also , is there anything with Musa after the masturbation with the dildo?

Nope, it's the end for her in this version.

I seem to be missing two, what are those?

(2 edits)

You need the first pictures of Musa. You need to spy her with the Ladybug before her exibition. That's one step. Then, you need the angry handjob from Nova

you miss nova handjob angry 

Can anyone please tell me how the attack and defense buttons how to use them. 

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You have to wait for ur left bar to charge. When u have enough power you will be able to defend urself for 2-3 seconds (use it when the Ghoul's bar is almost full) and if you keep waiting you will be also able to attack the enemy.

Thank you

You're welcome, have fun :D

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I love this game. I don't actually know if I'm stuck, but I cannot find the red-haired lady the second time! Also, I met Bloom at the White Horse, we have to convince Greta to do something to change her behaviour, but she is not in the mood. Did I finish this 0.1.0 version? I've already visited Alfea, all quests are done, help me please xD

She's at the place where Stella works at night

(1 edit)

Absolutely Fucking Awesome!!! These Fairies and those Witches are Magnificent!!! I shall look forward to new content and hope that I can help with the girl's development. The Winx Club is one of my Most Favorite cartoons/anime Ever!!!!!

Hi i love the game , the only Thing that i don t like is the tecbot but the game is awesome and , Someone could help me with flora s poem i can t  pass it

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its random  but the best advise i can give is choose a word that changes her facial expression and try to keep that facial expression. just a heads up tho if it changes to a different expression you will have to start over again its best to save before you try it. also things like nature related and her name are best to use.

thanks budy

You actually have to choose words that she likes. Few examples: flowers - Flora - Fauna - nature - pets - animals - summer etc. You have to make her smile with every word

no problem good luck

(2 edits)

An error has occurred to me, in the gallery there are scenes that are blocked even after seeing them, also I can't find Musa's object, please help.

How are all the scenes unlocked?

Greetings from Spain. 

Some scenes aren't in the Gallery (for example the Tecbot ones), but the others should be there after seeing them.
The Musa thing is somewhere in the background at a location (some have posted a screenshot here already it seems), check your items if you maybe picked it up already.

(2 edits)

The one on the foot with Stella, the reward from the Trix, the two from Musa, neither the arrival of Bloom and Stella's mouth, none of these appear in the gallery even after seeing them.

how do you use the fight mechanics?

Can you elaborate? Do you mean how to use the buttons or how to trigger the fights in general?

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

sorry yeah I meant the buttons like how do you use them 

Can someone help me find the object for musa, i have read its in the wood but only option i get in the woods is to fight monsters

bottom left tree 

I tried to find it there, but I didn't get anything. Should be it seen on this picture, or it is hidden, and we only will konw if it's there when we clicked on it?

it should be at the base of the tree its black lol i really dont know how else to help thats is where it should be 

It should be there.. hmm.. did you try it at night maybe? Could be a bug but I dont see how this won't work though

I tried it day and night, before/after concert, several days, if something triggers the phenomenon, but it didn't. Maybe the problem was that I started the game in browser, exported the savings and played after on windows application.  Never mind, I really like the game, thank you for the opportunity to play with it and look forward to further improvements!

So I started the game from the beginning (from windows application) and now i could find the dildo, so maybe this was the problem.

im only missing one

Is that version bug or not but I can't find jungle to buy penis for musa

khi đó, bạn sẽ không gặp khó khăn.


Over all,i would like to congratulate you for the game. I was glad to see that the last update was available but unfortunately i can't get it to work.Every time i open it it tells me "An exception has occurred". Do you know how i could fix this problem ?? 

Yes, me too

Are you running it on windows? We don't support Windows xp and below. Also, there is now a 64-bit and 32-bit version of the game, did you try the 32-bit .exe?

I'm on windows 10 and yes i try 64-bit and 32-bit version and everytime i have the same message :"An exception has occured"

Hmm are you running some really strict virus scanner?

No i only use windows defender but he's not strict

I guess it will help you for more with a photo of the message that is displayed each time.


Extracting the pc version says the file "images.rpa." it's corrupted.


how  you get the perfect poem with flora? or what to do with flora?

You actually have to choose words that she likes. Few examples: flowers - Flora - Fauna - nature - pets - animals - summer etc. You have to make her smile with every word

where is the "object" for musa

in the background in the woods thats 


Where in the woods this is the omly options i have in the wood


tree bottom left by the base 

How can I hang out whit Musa?

Deleted 3 years ago

its random but when you tap on a word she will make a face make sure that face donest change if it does you have to start over


where can I find the "object" of musa?

How can I hang out whit her?


Overall really nice game, I guess this update was big success. I like the fact that you improved the main story, I have one question though... Game says that I've done everything but I still have 2 empty slots in museum are there few extra scenes or is it just some weird bug?


There are some extra scenes, one of them requires some different choice in game, but the other one may be really optional and not tied to any mission or quest ;)


This version is excelent, i already played yestertady and was excellent. Congratulations, the animations are excellent and i like all the other thing of the game. Keep making it please!!

Мне очень понравилось игра на версии 0.1.0 Винкс клуб. Лучший чем это версия 0.0.4!

 Я могу сказать, спасибо разработчику.


Windows version don't open

We don't support Windows XP anymore since the new version, are you by chance running that?

Mine is windows 7, the other versions worked, this does not


Ver. Windows, extracting appears: "alfea wav corrupted

I think you need to hot fix something. I removed and reinstalled the apk but I can’t get past the “What’s your name” scene. Whereas in the previous version I had no issue and finished the game.

I can try to upload other android apk's of the game, because you're the first one experiencing this. Hopefully that will help

Same issue. In the previous version I tapped the button in the bottom right and the name was set, but now it does nothing when I tap it.

Odd.. did you try installing another keyboard? I guess this is the default android one right?

I will try to install a different one but yes this is the default keyboard. The odd thing that where was no issue in the previous version.


Anyways after installing a new keyboard the issue is solved. Thanks a lot for the help.


Keep going with the update your work is not just good but a work of art

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